Coaching Info
When we choose to attempt challenges that are on the edge of our comfort zone it is often the small details that determine whether or not we are successful. A passionate, supportive, balanced, and detailed oriented coach can help navigate all the large and fine details that go into preparing for and executing a goal race or endurance adventure project.
Coaching is so much more than workouts dumped into a training platform—it is a partnership that involves working together to balance family, work, life, and training to optimize you to be the best version of yourself. If you are interested in having me help you reach your personal and endurance goals get in touch with me through the contact link in the top menu bar, or below through Trails and Tarmac.
What Athletes say about working with Gabe:
Amy Cockerham, Utah
I began working with Gabe in the fall of 2023. Though I had an extensive background in rock climbing, hiking, and scrambling in the mountains, I had no prior experience with formalized training for running. I understood the basic tenets of training for trail and ultra running, but I was uncertain about how to create both short and long term plans. This past year, Gabe has guided me through several successful ultras while keeping my body and mind healthy and psyched. More than accountability, I needed restraint from a coach so that I could modulate my volume and intensity throughout the year to avoid burnout or injury. Gabe has helped me to understand the purpose of every workout and phase of training as it fits into both my goals for the year and my lifetime goals to maintain a positive relationship with running. We have balanced recovery with work in a way that has stimulated progress and always left me mentally and physically ready to try hard at the correct times. I am inspired by Gabe as an athlete, and I hope to pursue some of the races and adventures that he has completed. I am lucky to have Gabe in my support system, and I look forward to a long future of playing hard in the mountains under his guidance. Running Highlights: Summitted Fremont Peak (WY) Completed my first 50 miler Improved my time at Standhope 60k by an hour
Connor Jackson, California
Having Gabe as a coach has been a joy. I initially started working with Gabe because I wanted to see my running times improve. While this has certainly been the case (I've gotten so much faster and am now regularly on the podium at races!), I think the major benefit for me has been working with someone who is clearly invested in my success both as a runner and as an individual human. As someone who travels frequently for work, Gabe has been such an anchor in helping me balance rigorous training plans with the demands of regular life outside of running. It's so evident that Gabe truly cares to understand the personal goals of each runner, and he structures realistic plans around those goals to ensure success, even when I throw last-minute scheduling curveballs his way. In addition to providing running guidance, Gabe has also provided other workout and nutrition advice and has been instrumental in helping me figure out my race schedules as well. Thanks for all that you do, Gabe! Gabe coached me step-by-step through my first 100 miler, IMTUF in Idaho. Gabe's coaching not only provided an incredibly thorough training plan for this distance, but he was also to help me dial in my nutrition and race strategy that led to a successful finish of my first 100 miler within my target time! I could not have done this without Gabe!
Peter Baxter, Oregon
I love working with Gabe because he's not just just helping me run fast and stay healthy. He's also helping me navigate how my running puzzle pieces together with work, family, being a parent and making sure I'm finding the best balance to be successful across every important facet of my life. And the best part? He actually cares about it all. It's above and beyond what I've experienced in the past and now I wouldn't have it any other way. Eiger is probably one of my top two running moments EVER, which is pretty good considering I started taking myself seriously (too seriously?) 25 years ago. I think I've also grown to enjoy the process a little bit more and finding the moments to really appreciate just being by myself on the trails. I'm a massively social runner who thrives with others around and used to find running solo lonely. But now I also find it important and it's almost meditative for me so I've grown to really enjoy and sometimes seek out a few hours by myself in the trees. And that's something I didn't have before we started working together.
Josh Fuller, Wyoming
As soon as I saw my name drawn in the Hardrock 100 lottery December of 2022, I knew I needed some focused structure to my preparation. Coming off of a serious knee injury and nearly a decade of applying, I was going to have to take that preparation seriously. Through a lens of deep personal experience, Gabe provided not only a custom training structure, consistent check-ins, and accountability, he proved to be a friend, occasional running buddy, and gave me confidence to kiss the rock in Silverton.
Kelly Halpin, Wyoming
Working with Gabe has been a fantastic experience. I was seeing positive changes and getting PRs after just a month of coaching. Gabe has set me up for the strongest year of running I’ve had in years and I can’t wait to take on my upcoming races and objectives.
Annie Baldwin, California
Gabe is an instrumental and positive coach - I started with him to train for the Broken Arrow race (at the time, which seemed insurmountable!) and he's since seen me through three successful ultramarathons. Gabe is knowledgeable about everything you need - gear, nutrition, training, motivation, pacing, cross-training. It's been really helpful to have someone check in and push me to be my best, and this has helped me build and prioritize a healthy lifestyle. Finisher of the Broken Arrow, Way Too Cool, and Mt. Tam 50ks
David Meador, Oregon
As a guy in his late 30’s with some low-grade physical fitness successes under his belt, and ably assisted by some adult beverages, I was confident that I could tackle the 200 mile ultramarathon that I had just registered for. Once I realized how out of my league that goal was, I hesitatingly considered hiring a running coach. Fast forward: after hiring Gabe, I can say unequivocally that his coaching was vital to my successful finish at the 200. Gabe’s professional assessment of my fitness level coupled with an ability to work around my complex schedule and shortened timeline meant that I had an excellent running plan to work with. I am unsure that I would have finished the race without his work. I’m grateful for his expertise and would absolutely work with him again in the future.
Therese Hooft, Idaho
I worked with Gabe for just under two years and found it to be one of the best investments I’ve made in my personal growth. I learned the importance of a good training plan and why specific training blocks are critical to our overall running success. Through the process of journaling and frequent check-ins with Gabe, I developed more body awareness, as well as the importance of engaging in reflective practice. What I most appreciate about his coaching is his intuitive ability to gently nudge, step back to allow time for reflection, or when you need a good push. The dedication and commitment it takes to train for a 100-mile mountain race is like no other endeavor I’ve ever pursued. As I shared with Gabe, I feel like I met different versions of myself out on the trail that day. When you have moments where your exhaustion strips you to the core and one loud voice in your head is telling you all the reasons why you should just drop-out, and then another loving voice takes over that reminds you of all the practice and training you’ve put in to be here it compels you to keep pushing forward. For me, that loving and supportive voice hasn’t always been in the driver’s seat. It was through Gabe’s teaching and a reflected running practice that I learned how to develop that more. For that, I am grateful beyond just running achievements. Thank you many times over, Gabe!
Alyssa Malley, Hawaii
I've been working with Gabe for almost a year now, and had switched from another coach that I had been with for about three years. In this one year span, I have not only seen a major improvement in my running, but I also feel like my attitude and relationship with running has changed in such a positive way. In addition to being an amazing runner and role model, Gabe is such an awesome coach! He gives me consistent, valuable feedback, and I can tell he puts a lot of effort into making my plans conducive to my crazy life schedule. He gives me such a wide variety of runs, from long trail adventures, to short "snappy" (as he would say) road efforts. This has helped me immensely both mentally and physically when it comes to my running.
Alex Ertaud, California
I really can’t recommend Gabe’s coaching enough. Though I had years of experience running ultras under my belt, Gabe took my fitness to a new level and got me prepared for a summer of racing and training culminating in the Wasatch 100. I was in the best shape and preparation ever, all while welcoming a new child into my life. Gabe’s thorough and well thought out training plans, coupled with his availability and ability to change things on the fly make him a great resource for balancing life and ultra training. Plus he’s a super nice guy with a wealth of knowledge when it comes to ultras and training. I can’t wait to tackle more challenges under Gabe’s tutelage.
Jacob Aragon, Washington
2023 was the year I decided to start taking my biggest running goals more seriously, and I am so fortunate to have found Gabe. He has a wealth of knowledge that he has shared with me and I have improved dramatically in the time that we have been working together. Most importantly, I feel Gabe has my best interests at heart and genuinely wants me to succeed long-term. I feel confident that with him in my corner, things that I thought were impossible are now within reach. Without a doubt I would recommend him to my friends and family and know that they are in good hands. Finisher at Bigfoot 40 and Deception Pass 50k
Heather Brooks, Montana
Gabe and I have worked with each other for years and there is a reason for our continued coach-athlete journey. Gabe's passionate attention to detail landed me a top five finish at Hardrock 100. On the flip side, he has also managed to keep me healthy during some of the most stressful times of my life. Gabe is precise, balanced and leads by example. He is a direct result of my accelerated growth as an endurance athlete and I couldn't be happier with my results.
Mike Tevebaugh, Washington
As an ultra runner for nearly 10 seasons with no coach, I finally took the plunge and I'm very glad I did. Gabe taught me so much, from basics I already knew in theory to more advanced nuance that I incorporated - I learned so much. I found the difference between knowing something and doing it, is a coach. I really leveled up this past season, and thank Gabe for much of that. Another surprise is while I've never had motivation issues to get out the door and run, having a plan and someone who is checking in and applauding increased the stoke of my runs. I found myself being more excited knowing Gabe was there supporting me. Gabe gives you his knowledge as a professional but also is an excellent coach!